For his week’s assignment I’ve made a data visualization using Flourish. The information I want to highlight is the Covid-19 comfirmed cases and death cases within the word in timeline from 1/22/2020 to present. My data is from John Hopkins Covid-19 Data Repository (Source: github link). After downloading the time_series I’ve uploaded my CSV file to Flourish Bar Chart data and specify columns and labels to visualize.

I'd would like to explore the difference number of cases between countries .

Death Cases over time in the World


Confirmed Cases over time in the World

My data was combined of Countries and Regions. The repetition of some of the countries in my visualization is the reason it gives different regions within that county. 


  • Total of 171 countries effected by Covid19 right now.  

  • 53M confirmed case from Covid-19 around the world.

  • 1.3M death case from Covid-19 around the world.

From the graph, it is also possible to see cases per month and case numbers for each country separately.



Confirmed cases

Confirmed cases

Death Cases

Death Cases

Confirmed Visual

Confirmed Visual

Death Visual

Death Visual