Running Models


I’ve tried Magic Wand to get results from a model and by adding some code to light up LEDs.


For this one I’ve used Arduino_LSM9DS1 library version 1.1.0 and Arduino_TensorFlowLite library 2.1.0-ALPHA. When I open the serial motion, it supposed to show “Magic Starts!” but I didn’t see it. I found it's easy to get the "Wing" gesture, but hard to get the "Ring" and "Slope" gestures. This experiment help me understand TensorFlow Lite can run a 20 kilobyte neural network model to recognize gestures with an accelerometer and it is designed to on systems such as microcontrollers.
Link to Github


  1. Wing

  2. Ring

  3. Slope

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The following video shows the demo:


  • The tensorflow lite path while including the libraries in the beginning of the code was different in our classes github page and the one that’s in Arduino’s library example. I was getting the fallowing error. <c_api.h no such file or directory> Than, I realized they were different examples. One of them was, magicwand_LED and the other one is the original one.

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  • Another problem was one of my LED pinout mistake in <arduino_output_handler.cpp >

  • There’s an error I’ve seen in my first trial, but never seen again.

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Thumb up and down classifier