We live in a time when technology has never been more important than ever, and in the future this level of importance will increase. 

It has changed the pattern of life today. Everything, processing, gathering information, or any aspects of the various areas that has previously done manually, which gives a lot of risk, can be made more effective, faster, and more practical now with computing. So It affects our quality of life in every aspect. The fact that technology is so intertwined with our lives and computers have became a part of our lives it makes it vital to produce this technology. 

Computing benefits me in a lot of aspects. It improves my critical thinking. I’m learning being more patient because it allows me to continue when I encounter an obstacle or difficulty while coding. It improves my problem solving ability. For example, when there is a deadlock in coding, there is always a way to ensure return and retry. It teaches dare to try new things. While drawing shapes and images in P5.js, I’m discovering my interests. 

Coding is literally a new and universal language that supports process skills. Wherever you are in the world, you can communicate when you talk about coding.