Mix & Match Final

For this assignment my goal was to create a polished finished product of my character creation tool. I wanted to improve my interface on spatial layout & visual design.




So, I wanted to stick with my idea of wardrobe but use visually more satisfying elements. What I’ve learned from my previous experience and from class talks is that the colors we choose and the compatibility of assets we use plays a huge role in the whole experiment. For me this time, it was important to use elements that match each other with colors, illustration type and style other than creating elements with texture like the previous one. I was going to either use only textured elements or elements with using Adobe Illustrator.

Other thing I realize was the multiplicity of assets we give the user to play with. More choice we give the user means more experimentation with the tool. My tool’s goal is to combine multiple clothes combination depending on weather so I thought people have different taste when it comes to fashion so why not giving them as much as assets that they feel it’s fashionable for them. What this means is the user finds something about them selves in these creation tools. They reflect themselves on these creation tools.

Other aspect I’ve changed in this mix&match tool was not just to be limited with a female or male, white or black character. So, even I didn’t put any body on the background the placement of clothes and the proximity of assets to each other were enough to get that experience of entirety.

In my previous tool, I’ve prefer to arrange the buttons depending on the alignment of a body. So I was actually giving the user information about which button change which element without notice. So, they unintentionally knew the last button won’t change the hair but the shoes. This time, I notice them about which button change which element by creating the buttons themselves as an image.

With the tools we make, we give users to be create and feel creative

After users create something with a mix&match tool , we shouldn’t forget they they might wanna keep their creation for themselves. Because, I believe we are just the developers and what they do with our tool is their creativity and their creation. So, Ive added a download button in case they want to keep a copy for themselves.




This project is coded in HTML, CSS and Javascript

You can reach the website from : My Wardobe