What is it that we perceive? What is the relationship among things in themselves, our sensation of them, and our understanding? Is understanding nothing more than the ideas generated by our sensations.




Measurement ratio of the rotational speeds of three interlocking gears

Measurement ratio of the rotational speeds of three interlocking gears


When lights of different colors shine on the same spot on a white surface, the light reflecting from that spot to your eyes is called an additive mixture because it is the sum of all the light. Depending on human color perception by using colored lights, It is possible to make additive color mixtures.



When a red light, blue and a green light are all shining on the screen, the screen looks white because these three colored lights stimulate all three types of cones our eyes approximately equally, creating the sensation of white. Red, green, and blue are therefore called additive primaries of light.


By blocking different combinations of lights with my structures, I made shadows of seven different colors:

Blue, Red, Green, Black, Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow

With just these three types of cones, we are able to perceive more than a million different colors.

With just these three types of cones, we are able to perceive more than a million different colors.